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Protecting our economic backbone - the millions of growing businesses, empowering them to be resilient to cyber threats.

The Power of Non-Disruptive Security

Coro was built on the principle of non-disruptive security: holistic security protection, with unrivaled ease of use, and unmatched affordability.
Coro only surfaces the issues that require human expertise. This means Coro acts like a productivity solution for security - it’s easy to install and operate, and enables IT to quickly configure what is and isn’t critical to your business security.

Holistic Security Protection Redefined

We built our technology with the critical and comprehensive protection today’s businesses need. We have one powerful engine, fueled by artificial intelligence (AI) at the core, to automatically identify and remediate most known cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Across all endpoints, users, data, and your cloud applications.
An engine so smart that it continuously learns from the many unintentional errors people make as they forge ahead in their daily pursuit of excellence and innovation, the intentional attacks from grumpy employees set to do harm, or savvy hackers who find growing businesses an easy prey.

Unrivaled Ease of Use

Coro set out to find and fix the many security holes that today's distributed businesses face, without your IT teams having to worry, investigate, or fix themselves.
Coro automates the remediation and puts an end to the endless false alerts, 2 am panic calls or wasted hours tracing compromised files, infected systems or endpoint devices. For those issues that still require human intervention, we set out to make it so easy - most critical issues on the Coro platform can be solved with a click.
Coro takes the complexity out of cyber security, enabling your administrators to manage your company’s security without disrupting company operations, user productivity, or consuming valuable IT time.

Unmatched Affordability

We also set out to beat the standard for affordability because if you can't buy it, you can't be resilient. We built our all-in-one engine to not only be so smart, but also so nimble so we can make our pricing plans the most affordable.

Finally, a Different Approach to Security

Coro minimizes costs and IT team overhead and disruption to your company’s operations by maximizing intelligent automation with cutting-edge technology.
Our approach isn’t about profit through complexity - the way the industry has approached security for decades - it’s about intelligent automation to free IT teams to focus on enabling their businesses. That’s why Coro is constantly investing in our technology to stay ahead of attackers and to protect your company from human factors such as mistakes and inside threats.

Because Resilient Businesses are Thriving Businesses.

Recognized by Partners and Industry Leaders

Meet our leadership team

Guy Moskowitz

Founder, CEO
Guy has spent 20 years building and leading high-growth organizations such as Amdocs, Ness, and Mitrelli Group as well as the startups IXI Mobile and Targetix. In his previous roles, Guy was responsible for revenue growth and business development. He launched Coro to develop solutions for telecommunications and security for the private and government sectors.

Jim Tarantino

Chief Revenue Officer
Jim has been a successful senior sales leader in corporate America as well as in entrepreneurial startups. He has helped take several companies from startup to growth, IPO, and lucrative exits with a combined value of over $10 billion. Jim has extensive experience in building sales organizations, B2B and B2C sales, inside and outside sales, direct sales, and working with channel partners and resellers.

Doron Milchtaich

Doron has over 25 years of experience driving innovation and technical excellence in high tech companies. Before joining Coro, Doron was CTO at Radcom spearheading the company’s move into cellular network security products, and founded the companies Targetix and Intitula.

Dror Liwer

Dror has over 25 years of technology, security, and business development experience. Before joining Coro, Dror was the CIO of the IDF’s military police and then became the CEO of Pose, a Venture Partner at RDSeed, a GM at IXI Mobile, and a SVP at Publicis and Wunderman.

Prof. Carmel Domshlak

Founder, Chief Scientist
Carmel is a passionate scientist with 20 years of AI and machine learning experience. Carmel is a professor at the Technion, and was the head of the Technion-Microsoft center. He has written numerous papers on artificial intelligence, preferential reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, and automated decision support systems.

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Coro was built on a simple principle: Enterprise-grade security should be accessible to every business. We believe the more businesses we protect, the more we protect our entire economic outlook.
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